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The 25-year-old with no memory

jchimajchima Posts: 878
edited March 2015 in Health
A Taiwanese, Chen Hongzhi, 25, from Hsinchu county, is suffering a unique condition – he can’t remember anything for more than five minutes. The young man literally has to start his life from scratch every day. But in order to surmount the challenge, Hongzhi writes down every single thing about himself in a diary so that he can remain in touch with everything around him.

Hongzhi’s amnesia is the result of a serious head injury sustained during a car accident when he was 17. After spending months in intensive care, his body finally recovered but the span of his memory was reduced to only five minutes. This has sadly left him forgetting everything in the space of five minutes.
SEE PICS: http://www.ereporter.com.ng/index.php/more-news/odd-news-reports/item/4092-the-25-year-old-with-no-memory

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