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Best Bitcoin mining Software available

I was going through YouTube some days ago and i found out a video on how you can actually mine bitcoin using your personal computer. long story short, i followed the steps by steps and i boldly say i mine bitcoin right now directly from my computer.
to learn more, kindly click on the YouTube video below.
this has be tested 100%

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  • VirusertVirusert Posts: 11
    I’ve had the best results using software that’s easy to set up and doesn’t slow down my system. Stability and low fees matter a lot, especially for long-term mining.
  • ParoxismParoxism Posts: 7
    CGMiner has been solid for me, but if you're into ASIC mining, you should check out mineshop.eu. They have a decent selection of hardware that works well with different mining software. I’ve found that combining the right software with good hardware from them makes a huge difference in efficiency. Some setups can be tricky, but once everything is running smoothly, the results are worth it.

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