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Breaking News: "The Mercy City Cathedral launch marks a significant milestone in Nigeria's religiou

StreetOTStreetOT Posts: 253
edited June 2023 in Religion

In a successful event organized by the Abuja Chapter of Friends, Sons and Daughters Of Billionaire Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin, General Overseer, Christ Mercyland Deliverance Ministry, Warri, Delta State, the Mercy City Cathedral Launch was held at the Continental Hotel Abuja, raising an impressive 3 Billion Naira.
The event was graced by notable Nigerian politicians and nobles who gathered at the former Sheraton Hotels in Abuja to support the launch of the Mercy City Cathedral. The launch was a glitzy affair with attendees dressed in their best outfits, adding to 500,000-capacitythe occasion.


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The Mercy City Cathedral is a 500,000 capacity church auditorium, equipped with world-class facilities and fittings. The raised funds will go a long way in ensuring the completion of the project, which will serve as a spiritual home to many and a hub for numerous activities.



The launch of the Mercy City Cathedral is indeed a significant milestone in the religious landscape of Nigeria, and it is hoped that it will bring about spiritual renewal and growth in the country.


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