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Wear-and-go-wigs: what have done for yourself?

rellyhairrellyhair Posts: 158
Are you having trouble cutting the lace front? Are you always pluck the hair by yourself? Whether you use a hot hair comb to let hair forward back? Whether you blenched the knots by yourself? If you desire to get rid of these troubles, the wear-and-go wigs we recommend can resolve them. Here are the details of wear-and-go wigs.
Wear-and-go wigs are pre-cut lace
The lace are use the technique of hot shear process and arc-pressing, which can make sure the zigzag of HD lace, shows a natural looking under all lights. And this experience experiment shows that HD lace with a curve is difficult to discover.


Wear-and-go wigs are pre-plucked
For a natural gradient process, you require to pluck your wig by yourself if you are not select pre-plucked wigs. Instead, the pre-plucked wigs are shown from sparse to dense from front to back. They are natural and pretty looks.
Wear-and-go wigs are pre-styled
Pre-styled wigs come with back-forward hair and flat hair, without the need for the use of hot hair combs. The pre-styled wigs can show the natural looking of your wigs like your natural hair.
Wear-and-go wigs are pre-blenched
The knots on traditional glueless wigs may be large and black, and easy to discover. This is because the lace part is hand-tie. After experimenting for a long time, the result is the knots are smaller and brown than traditional wigs. Pre-blenched knots wigs are more suitable to wear for black without applying makeup on the lace cap.


Here are the features of wear-and-go wigs, which can save much more time and energy for wearers, and truly wear and go. Not only they are natural but also convenient. With natural hairlines and versatile styles, you can select them as you want.

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