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Have they been different from the black cap or purple cap with wigs?

rellyhairrellyhair Posts: 167
We can find that some wigs cap are black, and some are purple, are they different? Here are some introductions about the difference between a black cap and a purple cap.
First, the cap
The black cap adds depth to the cap to close the human body. They are 3D dome caps, which can wrap your head perfectly and avoid the fall off. Instead, the purple cap without add depth, which needs to be installed by glue for security.


Second, the strap
The strap is added to the width to support your head more security. And the strap with double bands can be adjusted by girls more easily than the purple cap, which uses the basic strap.
Third, the lace
Black caps are used in the lace size of 4×6 inches size, which can expose your natural hairline to a suitable length. On the other hand, the 13×6 inches lace size can show your natural hairline from ear to ear, you have more freedom in parting hair.


Fourth, combs
The black caps combine the combs to help secure the wig as they are secure enough for wearers, instead, the purple cap has four combs may lead to discomfort.
Fifth, the wigs
The black caps are used by ready-to-wear wigs, which spend less time on wearing, but purple caps are used by lace frontal wigs, which need install by glue.
They are showing the difference in instructions, but they still show the difference in feeling. The black caps are more breathable and comfortable than purple caps. And the caps come from one brand of OQ hair.

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