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DIY lace front techniques: get the perfect hairline

rellyhairrellyhair Posts: 158
Lace front wigs provide a natural hairline for you. How can you get the perfect hairline if you DIY the lace front? Here are some tips help you to get the hairline through lace front wigs.
A step-by-step guide to lace front wig
First, prepare the tools that include the lace front wig cap, a wig adhesive, and a wig liner. The lace front wig cap is made with thin and delicate materials, which are useful to create a natural hairline, especially for lace wigs.


Second, start with the high-quality lace frontal wigs. The wig's quality determines the natural looks of the hairline, if you desire a natural and realistic hairline, the high-quality lace front wigs must have one. Select lace front wigs like human hair lace front wigs, hd lace wigs, and glueless lace front wigs. The lace of these wigs is thin and soft.
Third, prepare your skin
Clean your skin with alcohol cotton, and make sure your skin is clean and free of oils and makeup.
Fourth, apply the glue. Applying a small amount of glue is helpful keep the lace front wigs in place, then press the wig and wait for it dry.
Fifth, style the wigs. Use the hairspray or heating tools to style your wigs as you like.
Sixth, touch up the hairline. You can also use the concealer to blend with your skin to reduce the harsh feeling.
DIY lace front wigs can be easy for you if you know how to create them with a little practice.


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