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Sex is a better headache cure rather than painkillers

Researchers still aren’t exactly sure how sex relieves headaches, but suspect that the rush of endorphins during arousal and orgasm play a role.

Endorphins are the brain’s natural pain reliever and act like opioids.

According to the Association of Migraine Disorders, they provide rapid pain relief that’s even faster than IV morphine.

A surge in these endorphins, when you’re turned on could numb the pain of migraine attacks and other types of headaches.

There may be other physiological processes involved when it comes to sex and cluster headaches.

Some experts believe that orgasm has the same effect as deep brain stimulation on the area of the brain involved in cluster headaches.

If you’d rather not get busy when you’re dealing with a bad headache or just don’t find orgasm helpful, there are other things you can do for relief.

Here are some options:

1. Head to a dark and quiet place. Migraine attacks increase sensitivity to light and noise. Find a dark, quiet place to close your eyes and try to nap if you can.
2. Try hot and cold therapy. Placing a cold compress on your forehead or behind your neck may numb the pain and relieve inflammation. A warm compress used the same way can help loosen tense muscles.
3. Have some ginger. Ginger helps relieve nausea caused by migraine and other conditions. According to researchTrusted Source, powdered ginger can be as effective as the drug sumatriptan for decreasing the severity and duration of migraine attacks.
4. Have a caffeinated drink. Having a small amount of caffeine in the early stages of a migraine attack can reduce pain. It can also enhance the effects of pain relievers like acetaminophen and aspirin.
5. Talk to your doctor about preventative therapy. Depending on the frequency and severity of your migraine/headache, your doctor may be able to prescribe medication to help prevent future migraine attacks.

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