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Close to wave wigs: find answers

rellyhairrellyhair Posts: 158
Talking about the curly wigs, much more questions appeared. Why the wave wigs are easy to tangle? Whether the wave wigs require more maintenance? Are wave wigs more pretty than other wigs? You can find answers here.

First: shake and bomb
All wave wigs are shaken and bombed to create different feels. All wave wigs, including curly wigs, require renewing the wig and refreshing curls to reduce the knots on the wig, as it is normal to tangle for wave wigs, especially for some small curls.


Second: maintenance
For straight hair in long need to cost much to maintain as they require stunning straight, dry hair, and natural luster to show a pretty look. Instead, wave wigs or curly wigs are available for wet hair or straight hair.
Third: look
Water wave wig and kinky curly wig show pretty looks with dry hair in fluffy. And show the different looks in wet hair, which are glamorous while coming out from the water.


Wave wigs and curly wigs are similar in maintenance, styling, and looking, and the difference is the curls in small or large. For some small curls wigs, they require reviving regularly to maintain their’ shape and reduce the tangle.
How to revive an old curly wig, look at this article you can find answers.

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