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The maintenance tips of long hair

Whether your natural hair or human hair wigs, long hair requires more time on maintenance to ensure the pretty looks and smooth hair.

Maintaining your human hair wigs is useful to keep the appearance of human hair wigs, prolong the lifespan of wigs, create versatile styles, and maintain the pretty feels of girls. If you desire to create the pretty looks of long hair, here are some maintain tips that may help you.

First, brush the long hair
Different from brushing short hair, brushing long hair requires beginning from the ends of the hair, and then following forward on the ends. This method is useful to remove the knots and avoid more hair loss for your natural hair or human hair wigs.

Second, washing
Washing short hair allows the wearers to apply a small amount for once, however, for your long hair, we recommend applying the shampoo twice to ensure the smooth of the hair and the oil or dirt can be removed. Avoid touching the ends of your hair while applying the conditioner.
Wait for a few minutes while immersing the hair into mixtures.

Third, blow-dry
For your natural hair, blowing dry the long hair in warm and mild temperatures from the roots of the hair is useful to create fluffy hair, and then apply the cold temperature to help smooth of hair. However, for your human hair wigs in long hair, air drying is the best way.

Fourth, hair products
Include hair oil, and styling products, applying them around the ends is better than the roots if they are protective. For styling choices, it is better to avoid them touching the scalp.

Maintaining tips of long hair is more difficult than short hair, so follow your preference and needs to determine the maintenance tips.

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  • From my experience, I can share that when drying, use a warm setting first to create volume, then switch to a cool setting to smooth it out. For wigs, air drying is the best option. As for hair products, apply oils and styling products to the ends rather than the roots to keep hair healthy without weighing it down. I've also found that Virgo de Novo products are great for maintaining healthy, vibrant hair. Following these steps can help keep your long hair looking its best.

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