Hi guys,
Them sey nobody wise pass, and for this life, you can never be too certain of surprises why am posting this for the soji guys and ladies. So I have been dating my gf for close to 3 years now, apparently two out of the most loyal I have ever dated. I stay in a 3 bed apartment where I housed two of my colleagues who work for me, one of them who is my age mate, and then his younger brother who is light years behind us.
Sometimes in 2022, my girl used to come to the house, whe

she comes, the young guy goes to open gate for her, and when I need to get something bought, he's the one
I normally send on errand. One day, she said I like this biola guy, I said why, she said she likes her personality, that he's humble and calm headed, I was like yea thats true.
Over time, and once in a while, I figured out she normally heap great personality praises on the boy, and I concur without thinking otherwise,not until when I had issues with his senior, and I started planning on how to discharge the elder brother, cos he already started messing up, she heard when I was complaining and plan kicking him out, and that if I kick him out, hes younger brother would have to follow him,she responded in a sad tone that, awwww I should not send biola away oo if am to send his brother away I should try to retain him. I was like oh well I cant as long as the brother is going he also would have to follow him. That didnt even start to make me feel she probably has some sort of intimate feelings for him until after one day, the curtain in the room was shifted aside a bit which could make anyone from the backyard see through to the bathroom, while she was in the bathroom, I figured out the curtain shifted, so I told her to always close the bathroom door just in case the curtain opens to avoid any of them seeing her nudity from the backyard, she replied saying she would prefer biola to see her bum instead of her brother, GBAM that was when It triggered that it may be beyond what i was thinking before oo, seems this my gf likeness for him is beyond just his personality. That very night we had some not too serious argument, and I was like if u wont maintain peace, maybe I should go drop you at home, she was like no oo, if I dont want her in my room she would rather sleep in biolas room. That was when I snapped that woman you are beginning to disrespect me with my younger one, that I would you like that I start using your younger sisters big bum as point of my attraction to disrespect you, she was like no oo, she's just joking and bla bla bla.
Few days after the above, biola called me on the phone that his babe will arrive from UK that he wants to let me know that she will be coming to our place, I was like no P, she asked who I was talking to I was like biola, she asked what he was saying, I told her, and immediately I figured out sheh wanted to know more, by so doing, I Formulated a story about him just to see how attentive she would be, I formed a story about how a girl came to look for him and his brother and myself went to smoke at the backyard which was right to the biolas room window, that as we were smoking, we started hearing the girl yell and he kept firing for hours, at that moment, she was so attentive and that gave her away that its more than what I thinking since oo. Then the following morning, his brother called me that he wan stroll out oo, sey the girl wey just come back from jand wan kill her brother, cos their room is close to each other, said noise of kpakam kpakam is too much, because I was on speaker, I looked left, omo see the way my gf was looking so attentive, she now used style to ask me who was talking, I said Tunde, she acted like she didnt hear what we both were talking about, and asked what he was saying, I said he was complaining about biola and how he has been slamming the girl for hours sey their noise dey disturb am him wan stroll out, my gf wey we dey watch tv together just turned her head around and went into thinking mode, not too sure if that was what she was thinking about, but her movement and the timing made it seem like that, and it was so obvious.
She's been arguing with me once in a while that i dont know what i have until i lose it, citing examples of this situation that how can i ever think of her having crush and eventually thinking she could eff the boy, and i said general opinion will eventually judge the matter.
So guys, do yall think shes having intimate feelings for this boy? Or could she be doing it intentionally cos she kept emphasizing on something that dont add up to this matter which i can explain further down the progress of this thread.