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Whether you will wear a wig when you are sporting?

rellyhairrellyhair Posts: 160
Wearing a wig can be fun, and provide a glamorous looking for us. And we usually wear it in our daily activities, such as a review, shopping with friends, or weddings. We also can wear a wig in sleeping if we want. However, whether we can wear a wig if we are sporting?
And the answer is yes, you can wear a wig in sports but there are some tips for wigs you need to attention to.

First of all, make sure the wig is secure on your head.
When you are sporting, you need to remove it frequently which may lead your wig to fall off or influence your movement. So it is important to make sure of the installation. You can wear a cap before wearing the wig, and after wearing it, use clips or pins to secure the wig. If you are still worried about it, it’s better to choose one wig that can be installed stable, such as a lace front wig.

Next, select one wig suitably
If you want to wear a wig to sports, it’s better to choose one suitably. Some factors should consider, for example:
Breathe: A breathable wig can ensure your scalp keep healthy. Wearing a breathable wig can provide comfortable feelings when you are sporting, and will not acne after strenuous sports. 
Can not fade: If your wig is a colored wig and fade when you sweat, it will influence the feeling of sports. 
Comfortable: The feeling of being uncomfortable will influence your sports, and may lead to distracted or injury, so it’s better to choose one comfortable and not too tight.

What’s more, the attention your hairstyle
To move freely, you can select a hairstyle like a braid or ponytail. This will be more suitable to sorts and not will worry about the wig will fall off or coming off. Besides, a hairstyle can develop your sports efficiency. It can not cause distracted to your hair.

Overall, wearing a wig to sport can keep your preference, such as headband wigs, glueless wigs. However, the risks of falling off or others you need to concert. These tips may help you. Wearing a wig for sports is an individual choice, you can wear it as you want. 

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