Women, learn to fix your sister's crown!
Every woman is a queen. If you see your sister's crown askew, help her adjust it instead of pulling it down.
Support one another.
Don't talk down to her.
Being married doesn't make you better than her.
Being a single mum or divorced doesn't make her a failure.
Being a widow doesn't make her less capable.
Having more money than her or her husband doesn't make her classless.
Not having children doesn't make her less of a woman.
Being more successful doesn't mean she is useless; no one knows what tomorrow holds.
Being more educated doesn't make her inferior.
Having higher authority shouldn't be used to belittle or intimidate her.
Celebrate her as a queen even if you think you're better.
Women face many challenges and need encouragement from one another.
It costs nothing to uplift a fellow woman.
All it takes is letting go of envy, jealousy, hatred, wickedness, bitterness, arrogance, and unhealthy competition.
No woman is ugly.
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