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Isee Block wigs: A new type of human hair wig you can not miss

xinna652xinna652 Posts: 139
What are block wigs?
Block wigs are a creative innovation by Isee Hair, designed to offer a fresh take on traditional human hair wigs. Refers to the unique construction methods where the wig is made of separate blocks or sections of hair.
The meaning of block wigs are combined by replacement top and bottom bases, which

How to select the block wigs?
Replaceable top:
Replaceable top of Isee block wigs include frontal lace, closure wig, bangs with wigs, or others.
Bottom base:
The bottom base of block wigs includes different hair colors, different hair lengths, and hair density, which can be selected by your preference. For instance, colored wigs can be selected, bob wigs can be selected, or straight wigs can be selected followed by your preference.

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