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4 Exercises that Stimulate Libido and Boost Sex Drive

People who live sedentary lives and don’t get a lot of exercise are generally more likely to have a low sex drive.
There are lots of reasons for this. If you don’t exercise, your circulation goes down, making it harder to get an erection.

Your body won’t be as capable of producing hormones or neurotransmitters that are responsible for stimulating libido.
And, you’ll be more likely to become overweight which can lead to self-esteem issues and low libido on its own.

There are lots of different forms of exercise that are particularly effective at improving libido in males.

1. Strength Training
Strength training is quite possibly the most effective type of exercise for boosting male libido.
You probably already know that testosterone is involved in the production of muscle tissue.

Well, the opposite is also true: men with more muscle tend to produce more testosterone.
For this reason, dudes who participate in strength training exercises are more likely to experience increased T levels.

Strength training is generally regarded as doing heavy lifts that cause you to max out after 8-12 reps.
The study linked to above showed that testosterone and growth hormone levels increased significantly after just 12 weeks of strength training.

2. Cardiovascular Exercise
Cardiovascular exercise is anything that gets your heart pumping. Cardio exercise can help boost libido and sexual health in a couple of different ways.

First off, cardiovascular exercise ensures that blood flows properly throughout your body. This can be useful for men who struggle with erectile dysfunction, as this ensures that they can have blood flow to their penis.
Regular exercise helps the body produce neurotransmitters and hormones that are responsible for regulating and improving libido.

3. Kegel Exercises
Kegel exercises involve the strengthening of your pelvic floor muscles. While they may not directly boost your libido, they can certainly improve your sexual performance. This can increase your self-confidence and self-esteem and can make you more comfortable with your sex life.

4. Exercise – cardio and strength training – will also make you more fit, improving your self-esteem
and making you more attractive. Increased self-confidence can give men a major boost to their libido.

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