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What Is The Closure Wig

anna_lee_7anna_lee_7 Posts: 30
edited January 17 in Fashions
If you search for wigs on the internet, the term “closure wig” will pop up a lot. What is the closure wig? How to choose a closure wig? These can be very confusing if you are a newbie. Here, let’s figure out together.
What is a closure wig?

A closure wig or a lace closure wig is a type of wig that comes with a small lace piece, covering the front of the head. The hair on this lace piece is hand-knotted to mimic the real scalp, giving an illusion that the hair is growing from the scalp. It can create a natural and realistic hairline and support more natural hairstyles.
Typical, the closure wig comes in a variety of sizes, such as the 4x4 closure wig, 5x5 closure wig and 6x6 closure wig. These are the common closure wigs on the market and there are many other closure wigs in other sizes.
Benefits of a closure wig

Natural hairline: The special design and technique of the lace closure wig can create a natural-looking hairline. You don't have to worry about the wig looking fake.
More hairstyle options: You can part your hair anywhere within the lace area. A lace closure wig can allow for more styling versatilities.
Lower cost: Compared with the lace front wig, a lace closure wig is much cheaper. If you don’t have much budget, you can choose a 5x5 closure wig instead of a 13x4 lace front wig.
How to choose a closure wig?
When you choose a closure wig, you should take your budget and your desired hairstyles into account. The larger the lace size of the closure wig, the more expensive the price, and the more hairstyle options. If you have a lower budget and fewer hairstyle needs, you can choose a 4x4 closure wig or 5x5 closure wig, otherwise, you can choose a closure wig in 6x6 or 7x7 lace size.

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