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The Win Will Come

Edet Edem Akpan Edet Edem Akpan Posts: 21
edited October 10 in Writing / Literature
The win is coming, the when doesn't worry me. I'm focused on the journey, not the timeline. I know that every step I take, every obstacle I overcome, and every lesson I learn is leading me closer to my goal.

The universe has its own plan, and I trust that it's unfolding exactly as it should. I won't let impatience or doubt creep in, because I know that the win is inevitable. It's not about when it happens, but that it happens.

And when it does, I'll be ready. I'll be stronger, wiser, and more resilient because of the journey. So, I'll keep pushing forward, keep grinding, and keep believing.

The win is coming, and I'll be there to receive it with open arms and a heart full of gratitude.


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