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Start with a pretty hairstyle to open a new spring

xinna652xinna652 Posts: 139
Does spring change your mood? With the change of weather and the new year, do you want to change your hairstyle? Here are some suggestions for your spring hairstyle.
-Loose waves
Light waves are very suitable for spring, not too heavy, but with a natural and casual beauty. You can choose water wave wigs or deep wave wigs to create this style, select the human hair wig brand such as Isee Hair, Curlyme Hair, and other brands.

-Layer Lob
As a hot style in recent years, collarbone-length short hair can modify the face shape and give a light feeling of spring with layered cutting. Select layered bob wigs with a little curl to find a more flexible feel.

-Loose curls
A sweeter feeling can be created by body wave wigs. By their gentle and elegant feel, loose curls are super atmospheric with floral dress in spring. Consider BGMgirl hair and OQ hair’s body wave wigs at first.

-Kinky curly wigs
A personality and special style of kinky curly wigs, they add a more fluffy and airy feeling for a spring energetic atmosphere.

-French bob
Yes, the most popular is french bob in this year. Consider the french bob about the length from the chin to the collarbone. Adding a little curl on french bob is useful to create a lazy and delicate atmosphere.

-Colored wigs
Spring is the time to try new colors, consider the colored wigs from warm brown, honey tea, caramel brown, cherry blossom pink, and burgundy colored wigs for individuals.

Spring is a good time to refresh your look. If you are tired of long black hair, here are some beautiful hairstyles suitable for spring, and the spring is the best season to start a new year with a new look.

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