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Convert Your Petrol Generator To Gas With Meter

Complete Gas/ Petrol Carburetor For 2 - 15.5KVA Generator + Meter Regulator hose And Clips

PMS/LPG/CNG With this conversion kits installed, the gasoline generator will be able to use propane gas or methane nature gas without any influence on original gasoline system. This kits is for low pressure gas only, like home used propane gas, home used nature gas.

The conversion kits consists of a Zero pressure regulator and a gas carburetor; Zero pressure regulator, reduce the propane gas or nature gas from high to low and stable pressure before going to gas carburetor then to engine.
When generator stop working, the zero pressure regulator shut off gas supply also, so it's safe, you don't need to worry that gas still going to engine after is switched off.

After converted, generator power do not change. When working on propane gas, power depends on generator condition

User Instruction:
Ways to start generator: - Start from propane gas:

1. Close petrol switch (Make sure no petrol left in the carburetor)
2. Open propane gas switch.
3. Shut off choke valve switch, pull 3 to 4 times, the choke valve open to middle then open in full; when engine is hot, it will open and start directly.
4. Turn on power switch
5. Pull starter rope 4-5times (Choke valve shut off or open to middle)/(key)generator start
6. After started, open choke valve switch on the carburetor mixer device
7. Generator start normally

Generator shut off steps: First shut off propane gas tank switch, then shut off generator switch.- Start from petrol:

1. Shut off propane gas
2. Open petrol
3. Shut off choke valve switch on petrol carburetor
4. Turn on power switch
5. Pull starter rope several times, generator start
6. After started, open choke valve switch on the carburetor mixer device
7. Generator start normally

- Gas and Petrol Carburetor
- We have For 2 - 15.5KVA Generators
- Comes with metered Gas Regulator
- Comes with 2 clips
- Comes with 3yards hose
- Very Economical to use
- Affordable and Cheap

FOR ORDER02tbik7j57xp.jpg

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