Excessive daytime sleepiness has been a problem for people working, and Narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, and work sleep disorder cause this. This excessive daytime sleepiness can affect a person's activity and alertness, which can make a person less alert. There are specific prescribed medications that have been proven to cure daytime sleepiness effectively. One of the most popular medications is
Artvigil. Artvigil is a known medication that helps treat excessive daytime sleepiness. It is an FDA-approved medication that shows effective cure within 30 minutes of intake.
It works by increasing the neurotransmission that helps regulate the sleep cycle and increases cognition by improving memory, creativity, and concentration. There are more off-label uses such as it helps in treating ADHD, increases alertness and activeness, treats chronic fatigue syndrome, and many more. to have more details about, Artvigil. Visit the
website Health Matter.
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