On the reported arrest of the Radio Biafra guy, all I ask of Nigerians and this government is introspection. Why is the call for Biafra so loud after Buhari entered? His maiden speech talked about uniting the nation. Has he? Has his 97 and 5 percent speeches harmonised or divided further? Is telling a particular region that none of them is good enough to be amongst the top ten positions in the country supposed to make them want to be part of Nigeria? Even the Ekweremadu that by some accident is Senate Deputy President, has he been made to feel a part of Nigeria or just a result of crisis? In what country is "winner takes all" so done without recourse for fairness and unity?
buhari should go and learn about apartheid and how many people including Steve Biko that was killed i. the struggle for independence. Let him go and learn what Mandela's imprisonment made Mandela into. buhari just gave this Igbo man CULT status. Now Biafra has a martyr for this generation.
This generation... this generation went to pick leaders that still had the civil war in their cerebrum. They are still at war with the Igbos and see them as no more than rebels to be contained. The civil war is being reawakened in children that merely heard tales. STUPID.
Buhari has a nation to unite and he better start doing it. Enough of the divisiveness. You cannot keep oppressing the most academically gifted and business-oriented and even most athletic region in the country and expect them not to want to seek their own path and country where they would not be second class (sorry, it is Yoruba that is second class) ... third class (that na Niger Delta) fourth class citizens.
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