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MDCN shuts down illegal hospital in Ilorin

bibingbibing Posts: 2,160

The Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN) has shut down a clinic and maternity home operating illegally as a hospital in Ilorin, the Kwara state capital.

According to News Agency of Nigeria, the action was triggered because the healthcare outfit operated beyond the scope of its registration which limits it to only carry out minor treatments on patients.

Commenting on the development,the Director of Medical Services and Training at the Kwara State Ministry of Health, Dr Subair Erubu, said the operator used the names of medical practitioners fraudulently to register the clinic and maternity home as a hospital. The operator was accused of using the names of a Professor Jimoh and another Dr Adeyemi to register the hospital.

“The hospital did not register as a hospital but as a clinic and maternity to carry out minor treatments on people.

“But we are surprised that the clinic has gone beyond what is expected of it by carrying out surgeries for cases that did not even require such,” Erubu said.

The Head of Inspectorate at the MDCN, Dr Okwuokenye Henry, ‎ who led the raid on the instruction of the council’s registrar, Dr Abdulmumini Ibrahim, said the council received a petition against the hospital.

Henry told newsmen that Springsway Hospital located in a hidden corner at Oko Erin area of the state capital operated a 24-hour medical service and had caused many unsuspecting patients their lives.

He said that the hospital had carried out surgeries and fertility operations on unwary victims.

“We received a petition in my office in Abuja that somebody who had a Ph.D in human kinetics ‎and also a lecturer with the University of Ilorin named Dr Olaitan O. Lanre opened a hospital in Oko Erin, Kwara.

“The petition said that this man has been working as a doctor carrying out surgeries on people and fertility operations.

‎”During the raid, we discovered that the letter for the registration of the hospital was written by the fake doctor who used the name of one Dr Jimoh A.A. as the overseer of the hospital and another Dr Adeyemi as the medical director in charge of the hospital,” he said.

Henry said that both doctors had denied knowing Lanre who opened the hospital.

He noted that Adeyemi, who is said to be the medical director of the hospital and whose certificate was used to register it, worked with the hospitals management board in Ibadan.

He declared Lanre’s operations at the hospital as totally fraudulent.

“When we got to the place with police men, we met the place under lock and key which shows that he has been informed of our coming but some staff members were hovering around the place.

“Two were arrested and the police are already interrogating them,” he said.

He said that the University of Ilorin had been alerted about the illegal activities of the doctor who is said to be on the staff of the institution.

‎The raid, he said, was necessary to prevent Lanre from causing havoc on more Nigerians.‎‎

He also said that the two doctors indicted by the documents found in the hospital had been summoned to appear before the council.

Meanwhile, the head of inspectorate of the MDCN has ordered the shut down of the illegal outfit and the arrest of fleeing Dr Olaitan O. Lanre.

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