I think women have natural multitasking skills. You plan to make Nigeria rice and chicken stew and you can come out of the kitchen in 45 minutes if you plan well. Rice is boiling, meat is frying, tomato mixture is boiling and just as the rice is cooked the stew is ready. Women just know how to do it.
Today it's going to be something easy and simple. The cooking time is just the duration of getting the spaghetti ready. You can further cut the cooking time by getting the shrimps dressed and deveined.
Effinrin is also called Nchawun in Igbo, Ntong in Efik or what we generally call Scent leaf. Effirin is noted for its medicinal property. It is credited to help relief stomach upset. The fragrance which is similar to Basil makes Nigerian Peppersoup taste so good.
Recipe for Spaghetti in Fresh Effirin Sauce & Shrimps (serves 2)
Handful Spaghetti
2 pieces Jumbo Prawns cut in pieces
3 tablespoons very finely shredded Effirin
Finely chopped Scotch Bonnet Pepper to taste
2 teaspoons finely chopped Onion
4 tablespoons Olive oil
Chicken seasoning to taste
Salt to taste
Parmesan Cheese (optional)

1. Bring water to boil, add a little salt and a drop of oil and boil the spaghetti till soft. Pour into a colander, Rinse spaghetti with cold water, strain and return to the hot cooking you used in boiling it.
2. Whilst spaghetti is cooking, mix the onion, pepper, Effirin in olive oil.
3. Whilst the spaghetti is cooking also fry little chopped onion in oil till translucent, add the prawns a little black pepper and cook till done.
4. Mix together the spaghetti, Effirin sauce, prawns and a little chicken seasoning. You should not cook.
5. Serve hot with or without sprinkle of Parmesan cheese.
