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Foundation tasks FG on welfare of albinos

bibingbibing Posts: 2,160

Seeks settlement of their medical bills

A non-governmental organisation – The Albino Foundation (TAF) has urged the Federal Government to offset the medical bills for albinos suffering from skin cancer at the National Hospital, Abuja, amounting to N50 million.

TAF stated that skin cancer remains the biggest challenge facing persons with albinism in Africa and Nigeria in particular caused by the high ultra-violet rays from the sun.

Founder/Chief Executive Officer of TAF, Jake Epelle, at a press briefing in Abuja, yesterday, said a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Foundation and the National Hospital, Abuja on behalf of the Federal Government of Nigeria was signed on March 12 2010 for the treatment of persons with albinism affected by skin cancer in Nigeria.

According to him, successive governments have been offsetting this bill to the tune of N17 million, which has ameliorated the burden of albinos and their families, noting that this has equally reduced the number of deaths associated with skin cancer by persons with albinism.

He called for the sack of the Director of Finance at the National Hospital for allegedly refusing to treat albinos who are suffering skin cancer.

“Unfortunately, since the inception of this administration, National Hospital Abuja has suspended the treatment of persons with albinism affected with skin cancer as a result of non-payment of the accumulated bill of N50 million owed the hospital by the Federal Government.

Source: TheGuardian

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