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Know the early signs of autism in your child

bibingbibing Posts: 2,160

Autism is a group of serious developmental problems called autism spectrum disorders that appear in early childhood usually before age three.

This brain disorder, which slows down physical, locomotive and mental development in a child till adulthood, if not managed earlier, is no more a rare disorder.

In fact, a recent study by the International Society of Paediatrics states that autism affects at least one out of every 88 children globally.

The condition has no symptoms at birth but manifests few years after. It limits a person’s ability to communicate and relate to other people.

Also, adults living with autism struggle with speech and they have to be assisted to do things that other kids take for granted.

For instance, according to child care experts on WebMD.com, a three–year-old boy who has one of the autism spectrum disorders may need a year with intense private teaching to be able to write or say the first five letters of the alphabets.

Since there are no obvious signs at birth to show if a child is autistic, early detection of this disorder in children is a big challenge for parents.

However, as tricky as these symptoms are, experts say they can still be spotted if parents, caregivers, teachers, doctors and persons, who have one thing or the other to do with children, are aware of the early signs of autism in children.

The Director and Founder, Patrick Speech School, a school for children living with autism spectrum disorders in Lagos, Mrs. Dotun Akande, states that since the number of children diagnosed with autism appears to be rising and there is no medical explanation as to why children are born with this disorder and how it can be prevented, parents must pay more attention to the growth and development of their children for early intervention.

Although there is no cure for this disorder, she notes, the condition can only be managed.

Akande, the mother of a 14 year-old boy with autism, says that since there is no cure for autism, intensive and early treatment may make a big difference in the lives of many children affected by this disorder.

The onus, they say, lies on parents to pay more attention to some signs that may suggest that their kid may have autism.

A paediatrician on about.com, Dr. Lisa Jo- Rudy says it is possible, if parents are observant, to discover that their child has autism before he/she turns three.

Jo-Rudy states that age one, an early sign of autism in children is their inability to relate or play with their peers or family members.

She notes that babies who avoid physical or body contact with their parents, siblings or parents and also have speech defect, such that they keep repeating words or phrases in an usual manner, may have autism.

“ If you have a baby that is aged between 18 to 24 months, who gets upset at minor changes in the environment or does not turn at the sound of its mother’s voice and also avoids eye contact, then you must watch it. Something is wrong when the baby does not smile or respond to social cues from others, even young infants are very social. It is best to contact your doctor right away with any concerns.” she adds.

Early warning signs: Age two

Physicians say the signs of autism are more noticeable in a child’s second year.

Jo-rudy notes that while other children are forming their first words and pointing to things they want, a child with autism remains detached from learning.

She states that an autistic child would not be able to pronounce any word by 16 months and would only be able to manage a single-word phrases by age two. In severe cases, they totally lose language skills and show no interest when adults point out objects, such as an airplane flying overhead, to get their attention.

However, at the age of three, experts say physical signs and symptoms are more obvious to help a parent understand that his/her child may have autism.

Jo-Rudy notes that physical symptoms, including digestive problem,,s such as inability to walk or run, constipation and sleep problems in children especially boys in this age bracket, should not be handled with kids gloves.

She explains that autism affects parts of the brain that control emotions, communication, and body movements. She adds that during the toddler years, some children with ASDs have unusually large heads and brains — which may be because of problems with brain growth.

Jo-Rudy says, “Autism affects the brain and most nerves and tissues that control movement in the brain. So children may have poor coordination of the large muscles used for running and climbing, or the smaller muscles of the hand. About a third of people with autism also often have seizures. These are more obvious than the earlier years.”

The paediatrician says that, apart from consulting a specialist, parents should also notify their children’s teachers, school authorities and neigbours on their children’s developmental challenges to avoid stigmatisation.

Source: Punch

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