A mother has been found guilty of killing her baby daughter by placing her in a microwave oven for two minutes in Sacramento, California, USA.
The blood-curdling incident had happened in March of 2011 but the baby’s mother, Ka Yang, 34, was convicted of the murder of her child murder only now. The mother-of-four put her two-month-old Mirabelle Thao-Lo inside the microwave for up to 5 minutes.
The baby was later found dead with burns covering 60 percent of her body and radiation marks that damaged her stomach and other internal organs. First Yang claimed she had lost consciousness while holding her daughter and when she had woken the baby was lying near a space heater.
She then changed her testimony and said that she had an epileptic fit, while unconsciously putting Mirabelle in the microwave and cooking her to death. However, both versions of her story were so suspicious that jurors rejected them. Yang’s prosecutor said that her client is suffering from multiple personality disorder that affects her actions.
Ka Yang was found guilty of first-degree murder and assault on a child. She now faces 26 years behind bars and will be sentenced in December. Her three sons are now living with other family members.
Source: Naij
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