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Tuition free universities/colleges in USA where you do not pay school fees.

ProsperProsper Posts: 1,432
University / college tuition (school fees) in America is always expensive and is getting more expensive every year. However, there are universities in America where one can earn undergraduate and graduate degrees without paying a dime. This means you do not have to pay tuition to attend these universities and colleges. For those that want to study in America, these colleges might be your best options. Follow the links to visit the websites and learn more about the programs the colleges offer. Below are the lists of the schools.
  1. Barclay College - https://www.barclaycollege.edu/
  2. Berea College - https://www.berea.edu/
  3. College of the Ozarks - https://www.cofo.edu/
  4. Deep Springs College - http://www.deepsprings.edu/

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