Event Internet advertising Agency in Nigeria AdHang is a solution for promoting an event in any state in Nigeria. Until huge number of participants attends your event, the event can amount to waste of time and money. To ensure that your event reach millions of people across any region requires serous internet advertising from experts, and that is what AdHang a Nigeria leading event internet advertising agency can offer.
AdHang has years of experience in promoting event in Nigeria and across Africa. Some of events AdHang can help you promote are carnival, concert, and crusade, training event, seminar, festival, and anniversary and soccer game. You are an expert at creating amazing event and providing exceptional values. AdHang event internet advertising team members are the experts at bringing you people who are looking for what your event offers, be it entertainment, education or opportunities.
Event internet advertising agency in Nigeria AdHang when hired will carry out all the event planning publicity, design all the needed internet advertising materials such as headline, banners, commercial videos, email and so on. Then, selects and pays the platforms where your event internet advertising will use as channels to reach millions of Nigerians. Tens of thousands of potential event participants will be reached at home on their computers; they're logged in to a library computer, phablet or on their smart phones, or on laptops in coffee shops, on the road, at work or at the weekend soccer game. The event internet advertising will appear above, below, alongside and even in the middle of webpage content, and will be found across every imaginable style and type of platforms.
It is important to note that AdHang follows international event internet advertising best practice and standard. It ensures that your event is promoted in such manners that build credibility and fosters trust by the target audience and Nigeria’s general public. Adhang.com has managed to pull in the most innovative minds from across the industry! Watch them reach the most relevant audiences that matter in your objectives across Nigeria faster and easier than you ever thought possible.
Finally, event internet advertising agency in Nigeria AdHang has robust set of tools, awareness technologies and committed event promoters to dedicate to your event internet advertising success around the clock. Your event internet advertising from planning, creating of internet advertising formats, selecting platforms, deploying creative materials to running the event internet advertising will be 100% embarked on by AdHang team. For complete approach visit

Any venture can fail irrespective of sector or industry if the founders have no business working in that sector in the first place. For example, marketing is a discipline in higher institution people spend years learning, because there is no barrier entry people go 1 or 2 days seminar on internet advertising and start internet advertising business. Such venture is likely to fail because they know nothing about advertising.
Internet is a medium, just like newspaper, radio, billboard, TV, etc. You can't read an article and qualify to become a lawyer to represent client in a court nor read an ebook and become a doctor, the same way you can't read articles on internet and become a professional internet advertiser. There are so many things that go into it.
I think you have a point.