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3 Important Preparatory Tips For WAEC

Don’t panic: The fear of WAEC is one of the reasons why students fail the exam. You have to remain confident in yourself and ability to pass the exam.

Source for past questions on various subjects you want to write: This will give you a hint of how WAEC questions are structured. This method helped me in chemistry back then. I understood how the practical, theory, and objective chemistry questions looked like. And I was able to detect areas where WAEC like to focus much on through the trend of their past questions I have studied. Therefore, this made me focus on the most important areas and made my reading productive.

Go through recommended textbooks: Go for recommended textbooks that explain better and can hasten your understanding. A textbook helped me for the practical aspect of chemistry back then. I read the practical book and I was able to do very well in chemistry. Moreover, textbooks are needed for you to understand some questions you might be having difficulty to answer. Once you are able to understand it, it has become part of you.

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