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Women Are Not the China Version of Men, How true?

It is funny how a lot of people believe that women are inferior to men because they have different features. We say women are lesser because they are not as strong, because they're emotional and sentimental, they get jealous, and they have a uterus blah blah blah.

In fact in some society, they go as far as stating that a full grown woman needs guidance eleven if it is from her 12 year old son. Society uses this lines of women are lesser and inferior to determine their double standard rules. They say men are wired for lots of women but women are wired for one man. Women shouldn't drive, women shouldn't dream big, aspire for greatness and many more shouldn't. Society insists that because men are superior, the women should sit back and use all their strength to push this man to success then they should be happy because their husband is happy.

But I don't think society understands meaning of inferior. Yes we learnt in school the words and opposite, so opposite of up is down and out is in. So opposite of man is woman. When something is opposite it means something performing a different functions than the actual thing. For example shirt for the upper body, skirt for the lower body, tables for placing things and working on, chair for sitting on. So also men for masculine functions women for feminine function.

Inferior on the other hand means a bad, worse, less version of a thing. It's like phones Samsung is not inferior to Nokia however a China version (what we call chinko) of Samsung is inferior to actual Samsung made by the Samsung company.

Women were not created to function as men in a lesser way but to function as WOMEN. Why do you judge women based on men’s abilities and mock them for being women? Society acts like everything a woman does is pitiable, laughable and shouldn't be taken seriously. Hence the "women and their wahala" " na so women they do" "leave and na woman" and all the other na woman quotes.

Listen up women maybe be the opposite versions of men but they are definitely not the chinko version especially because they can hold it down well when it comes to performing both male and female responsibilities. As a matter of fact women according to creation story is an upgrade with a more loving Operating System


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