As I stepped into Denver's incorporation , all eyes fell on me Making me feel self conscious and uncomfortable.
I couldn't blame them ,they were all in classy, sophisticated and I'm sure, very expensive clothes while I was in a pair of washed off jeans and a plain shirt with sown patches almost everywhere.
I was out of place here and I knew it , the whole building from outside to the interiors screamed money, it was so beautiful and a lovely sight to see and my heart swelled realizing I would be working here every day.
Denver's incorporation was the best, most powerful, biggest and richest company in the whole of the city with various branches throughout the country. Anyone who worked here was proud to do so, it was like working in the president's office. Even the the cleaners and drivers are paid well and that's why I'm here today.
The only thing that made the company fearful was the rumours about the CEO of the company. People say he's mysterious, Dangerous,
Brutal and ruthless. People say he kills for fun and has a torture room where he punishes all his enemies and people who go against him, he was referred to as a monster with big and fearful eyes, his eyes alone could kill. It was also said that no one has ever seen him and only a few of his employees have.
He doesn't have friends
He doesn't have a family
Scary huh?
"You're late" I heard someone say and I turned around to see Ciara, the woman who offered me a job here two days ago walking up to me, I didn't even realize I was standing in the middle of the reception all this while. She was beautiful and like others, sophisticatedly dressed.
" I'm... I'm sorry" I replied her calmy. Her eyes take in my appearance as she stood
In in front of me, I could see the look of disapproval in her eyes.
"Oh what an eyesore!" She commented and I stared down in embarrassment. "Thank God you wouldn't be putting that on While working here." she said and threw a piece of clothing at me, it was a jumpsuit, a typical clothing for cleaners. She handed me a mop and a duster and gestured me to follow her. I followed her out of the reception and away from the eyes of the workers.
Thank goodness
"Now listen to me" she said as we entered into the elevator "Because you're a cleaner doesn't mean you won't be given rules, there are do's and don'ts here.
You came late this morning but I'll let that slide, you're to get here at exactly 7 in the morning every morning and get this place cleaned before the workers arrive"
What? 7am?
"You're to clean every floor in this building" she said.
What? Am I the only cleaner here? The building is so tall that it almost reached the Sky and I'm supposed to clean it all?
"How many floors does this building Have?" I asked as politely as I could. "30, you have a problem with that?" She said glaring at me and I shook my head vigorously
30? I'm doomed!
"At least it's better than the dumpster I picked you from, I mean you get way more money here than you can even get as a waiter" she said again and I felt tears brewing at the back of my eyes. No Emilia! You won't cry anymore.
"And one more thing, the only floor you're never allowed to go is the 30th floor, never I repeat, never go there if you do not want to lose your job and your Life". She said and I gulped visibly.
What? What's so special about the 30th floor ?Well whatever is there that could cost me my Life I don't want to know.
The elevator stopped and we got out , this floor was just like the the reception with people working on computers and papers, I wish my life could be like theirs but mine was fucked up!
"And lastly, you're to respect everyone here, as you can see no one here is in your league, know your place, understood?" She said and I nodded. God knows how much I hate her but still I'm grateful I met her.
I had just moved away from my hometown, far away from the place that held so many memories I don't ever want to remember, memories that I find hard to forget.
Memories that makes me curl up in my bed and cry all night. I moved away from the place I called home with just a few dollars and a bag of my worn-out clothes, I did odd jobs to survive and like that proud woman said, I slept at a dumpster.
I couldn't even afford to rent an apartment. The day I met her, I was being robbed by a gang who tried to take my money and beat me up. Her car passed just in time and she helped me. She gave me money, rented me an apartment and offered me a job as a cleaner at Denver's Inc without even knowing who I am. Who knew she could be rude and proud? I was so overjoyed. I got lucky in just a day! I don't care if she's rude or proud or bossy, the fact remains I now have a job that pays well and a roof over my head. This is my chance at getting a new beginning in my life.
"I'll leave you here, now get to work!" She said and walked away. I pulled the jumpsuit on and started cleaning. I cleaned the building from floor to floor getting occasional states and whispers from the workers which I ignored.
I finally finished working and it was almost time to go home. Most of the workers have gone with only a few left.
I stepped into the elevator and pressed the button. I was so tired and weary and couldn't wait to get home.
The elevator dinged signalling that I was at my desired floor, i stepped out and froze immediately.
The place was dark and deserted. There are no tables or chairs or computers like the floors I have cleaned today, the walls were painted black and it was creepy. I stepped in Fully and noticed a hallway.
A hallway? What floor is this? Go back My subconscious screamed inside of me, warning me to to make a run for it but something kept pushing me to go on. The curious side of me wanted to know why the place was dark and deserted while the same part of me wanted to go back.
Oh God I hope I don't get into trouble!
I kept walking down the dark hallway until I spotted a door. The door was the only coloured thing here, it was painted brown.
I would just take a quick look and go back immediately
Simple right. I got to the door and breathed in and out before reaching for the door knob to openAnd as I made to open the door...
"What are you doing here? who let you in here?" A cold hard voice boomed and I flinched turning around sharply and matching the cold voice was a pair of cold grey eyes that was blazing with rage.
I froze in fear In front of me stood the most ruggedly handsome man I've ever set my eyes on, his black sleek hair was jelled into perfection. His features were so alluring that he looked like a character in one of those fiction novels. Grey eyes with long lashes that almost reached his high cheekbones, his nose was so pointed and his jaw line was so sharp. He had on a suit that hugged his body perfectly. He looked like a freaking god!
I couldn't move It was like he had me under a spell, his grey eyes staring deep into my soul and on instinct, I knew he was nothing but danger.
I was still standing there dumbfounded and unable to find my tongue under the intense gaze of the man before me. "Are you deaf or something? i asked you a question" his voice came again this time he sounded more annoyed than he was before. I flinched, visibly shaking in fear.
Oh God! I got myself into trouble on my first day of work. there's no doubt about this, I'm losing this job and going back to living in a dumpster. How did I even get here? oh no no no! I must have been so worn out and tired that I didn't notice the number of floor I clicked in the elevator.
"I...ermm, I don't...I didn't... I'm..." I stammered miserably and then without knowing what else to do , I slumped to my kneels "please I beg you, I'm sorry, I don't know how I got here, I..." "get out!" he cut me short
wait what?? he told me to explain myself and now he's asking me to get out? I didn't wait to be told twice, I got up and scrambled past him running into the elevator almost falling down.
Phew! what just happened? I got out of the elevator as soon as it got to the last floor and hurriedly running out. I must get out of here before whoever that man is changes his mind.
I was out of Denver's inc in no time and hurriedly got into a taxi finally feeling safe that I was going home.
I lived in the inner part of the City, the neighborhood was occupied by gangsters, hoodlums and mobs but that was the only place a poor person like me could afford.
I paid the taxi man and walked into my apartment, the tiny house that that woman rented for me. the house looked so old like it could fall apart anytime.
I hurriedly walked in slipping off my clothes and going straight into the bathroom.
I need to shower.I was scared
terrified. Why didn't I listen to my subconscious when it told me to go back? now I'm in trouble, the man has probably called the woman that got me the job by now, I'm probably going to lose my job now and go back to the dumpster!
wait? could that be the 30th floor? the one I was warned not to go to? how did I even get there? oh I'm so stupid!
wait? could that be the CEO of the company? my heart rammed at the possibility.
no no no! it can't be. They said he looks like a monster and this man didn't look like any monster. in fact he looked like an angel.
After pondering too much in the shower, I turned off the water and looked myself in the mirror, my dull blue eyes stared back at me.
My eyes went to the ugly scar that formed a line from my shoulder down to my upper back. my hands traced it and as I did, memories of how I got them came rushing into my head. Tears tickled down my face as I tried hard to push the memories to the back of my mind.
I've promised myself not to cry anymore but it's just so hard! no matter how much I try, my past keeps haunting me. The shoulder scar isn't the only one I have on my body, I had about 5 more and they were an ugly sight to see.
I hate my body because it was blemished and that's why I do not wear exposing cloths.
it would show my ugly self to the world. Washing the tears off my face, I walked out of the bathroom and slipped into a pair of baggy shorts and t-shirt before slumping on the bed. My mind drifted briefly to the man I saw earlier today, how can someone be so good looking?
what would happen tomorrow?
will I lose my new job?
oh! I might even be arrested for trespassing.
whatever happens, I'm going to find out tomorrow and with that thought in mind, I drifted to sleep.
I was early to Denver's Inc the next morning and only a few people already arrived and I got to work immediately. As I worked, my heart kept beating in fear and anticipation of my employer's arrival, each time the elevator dinged signalling someone's arrival, my heart would leap in fear and when I see she's not the one, relief would wash over me again.
God! what did I get myself into? The elevator dinged the 10th time again, that's right, I've been counting!
this time it was her. My heart started beating as she walked out of the elevator towards me. If fear could kill, I would probably be dead by now as usual, she was dressed in the best of cloths and I admired the way her hips swayed as she walked.
"You're early today" she said as she got to where I was standing with a mop "ye...yes ma" I replied waiting for her to lash out on me but surprisingly, she didn't.
she only looked at me from head to toe and shook her head before walking away
oh my God! she didn't say anything! I'm not losing my job! the man didn't tell on me.
I almost jumped in excitement but stopped when she turned back around "Here, get me coffee from the cafe next door" she said handing me a couple of dollars. "coffee?" I questioned "yes coffee" she said glaring at me as if daring me to refuse. I slowly nodded and she walked away.
really? I thought my job here is to clean and tidy this place up, am I an errand girl too? this woman keeps bossing me around. I was irritated and a little annoyed but didn't show it as my made my way to get the coffee.
I stepped out of the building and walked a few Blocks before I got to the cafe. I was still fuming in anger and irritation by the time I bought the coffee and walked back into the building.
I was so blinded by my anger that I didn't notice the last stair in front of me but before I could save myself from falling, my leg tripped on the stairs making me bump into someone in front of me and dumping the cup of hot coffee all over him.
Oh my God! loud gasps from people in the reception accompanied mine as I slowly looked up to see who it was. Grey eyes locked with mine in pure fury. My heart stopped for a moment. those beautiful grey eyes! oh no no no! it's the man from yesterday
people around started to whispering and mummuring.
"oh my God, she's in trouble" someone said
"he's going to kill her no doubt!"
"oh poor girl" another person whispered.
"he'll not let this slide, I tell you" the words I heard only made my heart beat faster in fear. I waited in fear for what was about to come next.
"follow me" I heard his deep voice say calmly to me as he walked away. it's official, I'm dead!
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