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Opari - Viobless || Download MP3

naijasoundsnaijasounds Posts: 205
edited May 2023 in Music | Radio

Opari! A song that stems from the place of faith, believing and trusting that all our pains and struggles are over because Jesus Says It Is Finished on the cross of Calvary. It is a declaration of the finished work of Christ over our lives.

Opari is the latest song from Osas Princess Blessing also known as VioBless is a trained church musician with the Nigerian Baptist Convention, a graduate of music from the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary. She started doing music from the children choir at the age of 8 but took music up professionally in the year 2008.

So far, she has recorded 6 songs. Her mentors in music are Kim Burrell and Tope Alabi. She is currently at Mowe in Ogun State but an indigene of Benin City, Edo State.

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