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Why Your Over 3000 Facebook Friends Are Not Buying From You


If you have a large number of Facebook friends and followers and they don't buy or connect with you then do this

1. Restructure your Facebook account:

From your profile picture to your bio, your tagging, etc, you have to restructure everything so that if anyone comes to your profile, in a minute they can tell what you're about and what you do.

They don't need to chat you up to know about you, your account should be structured rightly and in one sentence, and your bio should summarize what you do.

2. Dish out rich contents daily.

This is social media not a market place so you can't come here and be shouting "BUY, BUY, BUY".

If you sell cars, you should educate your audience about cars. If you sell shoes, you should teach us about shoes.

You have to show authority. You have to show that you know what you're doing and you're heads and shoulders above others.

In today's world where people are afraid of being scammed online, you have to show you're genuine by dishing out contents that would make your customers to love you, trust you and buy from you quickly.

If you're having problems with dishing out contents then this class is for you.

I'm hosting a SELL WITH CONTENT CLASS where I'll be showing you how to sell your business/brand with contents

It will be simple, straight to the point, and value-loaded.

I'll be showing you

- A step-by-step approach on how to create contents that would make your customers love, trust and buy from you.

- Content checklist ( the do's and don'ts of contents so you don't harm your brand with what you post online.

- How to create contents consistently even if you've never done it before.

- How to create contents that connects with your audience emotionally

- How I never run out of content ideas


- I'll share with you my content calendar with which I create contents every day.

All of this in one class and you don't have to pay #20,000 for it

You only have to pay #1,000.

Lots of people are rushing to pay and join right now.

Send CONTENTS to 08179687499 for more details

Only 20 slots are open.

Now, let's go back to work

3. Create a custom signature for your audience.

Musicians do this all the time. Each of them has something they shout at the beginning of their songs.

Davido would say " Shekpe", some others will say things I can't spell here, others call themselves names that have stuck to them and we know them for it.

What's yours?

By creating a custom signature, you create an identity people know you for.

If you follow most of my contents, I usually end it with " Business and Sales Strategist".

Don't wait for anyone to call you, pick it yourself but be humble in your pickings o.....laughs....

4. Show your results.

This is also part of contents too.

As you progress talk about your journey and experiences. As you make sales, share screenshots, reviews, and testimonials.

Proofs....proofs.....proofs.....show that what you do or sell is actually working for you.

5. Give something FREE.

Nigerians love free things. From free e-books, trainings, tips, consultation sessions, etc, occasionally give people something for Free.

6. Engage with your audience.

When they make posts, engage. When they comment on your posts, reply professionally no matter how angry you are.

Gradually you're building your brand in their heads and it won't be long before they open their wallet for you.

Did you get value here?

If yes, kindly share for others to see.

Olive Jaja

Business and Sales strategist

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