Introducing BackFX Trading Platform.

Trading Corp. is a crypto trading firm. We strive to bring innovative trading products to our clients. Our flagship product is our Rollback Trading platform
What is a a Rollback Trade is and how a Rollback Trade works?
A Rollback Trade is a trade which goes backward and enables traders to trade their Bitcoin at old rates from days, weeks and months ago.
Let's use a case study:
The current price of Bitcoin is around $23,294.80. A user creates a Rollback Trade with 0.5 BTC. The value of his trade is $11,435.
His trade will start rolling back. Every 2 hours his trade will roll back. After the first 2 hours, his trade will roll back to yesterday.
The price of Bitcoin for yesterday will become the price of the Rollback Trade. After another 2 hours, it rolls back to a day before yesterday.
A trade can Rollback up to 1 year. Let's say this user in our case study leaves the trade to roll back to May 5th, 2022.
The price of Bitcoin on May 5th will become the price of the trade. The Bitcoin price on May 5th was $39,699.
The user decides he has rolled back the trade to a date he is satisfied with the Bitcoin price. He would trade the Bitcoins for USDT.
The Bitcoins will be traded at $39,699 per USD which is the current price of the Rollback Trade.
The user created this trade with 0.5 BTC. Trading the 0.5 BTC at this point will give the user 19849.5 USDT.
That’s multiplying $39699 by 0.5BTC.
The Rollback Trading fee is 1%. BackFX only charges a fee after the successful roll back of a trade