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The Importance of Keeping Healthy Social Connections

People we interact with on a daily basis, from family and friends to coworkers and acquaintances, have a significant impact on our overall health and well-being. In fact, studies have shown that social connections are just as important to our health as regular exercise, a healthy diet, and not smoking. Here are some of the ways that healthy social connections can improve our lives.

1. Social Connections Help Us Thrive

We are social beings by nature, and we require interaction with others in order to thrive. We feel a sense of belonging and self-worth when we feel connected to others. When we have strong social relationships, we are also more physically and mentally healthy. Indeed, studies have shown that social isolation is as bad for our health as smoking 15 cigarettes per day! Maintaining healthy social connections is obviously critical to our well-being.

2. Social Connections Aid in Stress Management

On a daily basis, we in Nigeria face a plethora of stressors. From political insecurity to economic insecurity, it's no surprise that we can feel overwhelmed at times. However, research has shown that having strong social relationships can help us cope with stress more effectively. When we feel supported by others, we are more likely to be able to cope with stressful situations without suffering negative health consequences.

3. Social connections help to keep our minds and bodies sharp.

Healthy social interactions benefit not only our bodies but also our minds! According to research, maintaining strong social connections can help keep our minds sharp as we age. Staying socially connected is a good place to start if you want to protect your cognitive health.

However, maintaining healthy social connections can also benefit our physical health. According to research, people who have strong social ties are less likely to suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and even cancer. Furthermore, people who maintain close relationships recover from illness and surgery faster than those who do not.

So, if you want to improve your overall health, don't overlook the value of maintaining healthy social connections. It's beneficial to both your mind and body!

4. Increased Life Expectancy

One of the most compelling reasons to prioritize healthy social connections is that they can help us live longer lives. A 2010 study found that people with a large social network had a 50% lower risk of death over a seven-year period than those who didn't. So, if you want to improve your health and well-being, make it a priority to maintain healthy social connections.

The evidence is clear: strong social connections are necessary for living a healthy and happy life. Start by strengthening your relationships with family and friends if you want to improve your health and well-being. If you don't already have health insurance, now is the time to get it. RoHealth can assist you in finding affordable health insurance that meets your needs. So, what are you holding out for? Sign up now!

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