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4 Surprising Factors That Could Put You at Risk Of A Heart Disease

Heart disease is a leading cause of death in Nigeria. In fact, cardiovascular disease accounts for nearly 30% of all deaths in the country. While many risk factors for heart disease are well known—such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes—there are other, lesser-known factors that can also put you at risk. Here are four surprising factors that could put you at risk of a heart disease.

1. Smoking

We all know that smoking is bad for our health. However, many people don't realize just how dangerous it is. Smoking is a leading cause of heart disease, and it's also been linked to an increased risk of stroke. If you smoke, quit immediately. It's the best thing you can do for your heart.

2. Lack of Sleep

If you're not getting enough sleep, it could be putting your heart at risk. Studies have shown that people who sleep less than six hours at night are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than those who sleep seven or eight hours at night. Don't let lack of sleep take a toll on your heart—make sure you're getting enough rest every night.

3. Stress

Standing up to speak in front of a large group of people, meeting deadlines at work, juggling family obligations—all of these things can cause stress. And while a certain amount of stress is normal, too much stress can lead to problems such as high blood pressure and an increased heart rate. If you're feeling stressed out, take some time for yourself to relax and unwind. Your heart will thank you for it.

4. Obesity

Carrying around extra weight puts strain on your heart and can increase your risk of developing cardiovascular disease. If you're obese, talk to your doctor about ways to lose weight safely and effectively. Losing even a few pounds can make a big difference for your heart health.

Making small changes in your lifestyle can have a big impact on your overall health—including the health of your heart.

Speaking of leading a healthy lifestyle, you should get health insurance to support your overall wellbeing.

Log on to rohealth.ng to get insured today!!

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