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How to reset your windows 10


If your computer isn't running the way it should, you're getting strange errors or you just want to return it to its default state, Windows 10 has your answer. The operating system provides a number of options that let you restore your computer to an earlier state. Here's how to reset your PC in Windows 10.
Navigate to Settings. You can get there by clicking the gear icon on the Start menu.
Select settings
Select "Update & security"
Select Update & security
Click Recovery in the left pane.
select recovery
Windows presents you with three major options: Reset this PC, Go back to an earlier build and Advanced startup. Reset this PC is the best option for starting fresh. Advanced startup lets you boot off a recovery USB drive or disc and "Go to an earlier build" is made for Windows Insiders who want to roll back to a previous version of the OS.
Recovery options
Click Get started under Reset this PC.
Click Get started
Click either "Keep my files" or "Remove everything," depending on whether you want to keep your data files intact. Either way, all of your settings will return to their defaults and apps will be uninstalled.
Choose whether to keep your files
Select "Just remove my files" or "Remove files and clean the drive" if you chose to "remove everything" in the prior step. Cleaning the drive takes a lot longer but will make sure that, if you are giving the computer away, the next person will have a hard time recovering your erased files. If you are keeping the computer, choose "Just remove my files."
select clean drive option
Click Next if Windows warns you that you won't be able to roll back to a prior version of the OS.
click Next
Click Reset when prompted.
Click Reset
Windows will then restart and take several minutes to reset itself.
Click Continue when prompted.
Click Continue...https://ttechbay.blogspot.com.ng/2018/05/how-to-reset-your-windows-10-pc.html?m=0

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  • It's always useful to know how to return your computer to its default state if something goes wrong. The comprehensive instructions you provided are easy to follow and will surely come in handy for many people.
  • Though it’s an old thread, I just saw it and want to thank you for this helpful guide on how to reset Windows 10. It's always good to know how to troubleshoot and start fresh if needed. I appreciate you taking the time to provide these step-by-step instructions. In addition to resetting your Windows 10 PC, ensuring that you have a valid license key and are running the latest software updates for optimal performance is critical. So, you can check out the reddit buy windows communities where you can find legal keys and software updates. This can help you avoid any potential issues with your system and ensure that it's running smoothly.
  • Re-installing your Windows 10 can be a real game-changer when your computer is acting up. I do it all the time. Then it feels like you have a brand-new computer.
  • For me, resetting Windows 10 can be a lifesaver when things aren't going as expected. It's great that you've shared these steps, and they're really helpful.
    I'd also suggest checking out digitalchillmart for genuine Windows keys. Having a legit Windows key can make the whole process smoother and ensure you're getting the most out of your operating system. It's a worthwhile investment to enhance your PC experience.
    So, my suggestion is to follow these steps to reset your PC, and don't forget to use legit Windows keys.

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