When it comes to business, I discovered that to become successful, you have to ask successful people what they do differently, apply it to yours and watch the magic happen. Nature is actually neutral, simply applying the said successful individual’s approach to your business would definitely improve your venture and that is the reason I decided to share with you today, a collection of the top best outstanding quotes from successful entrepreneurs around the globe that would not only boost your confidence, but also build an unshakable business person in you. Do enjoy the quotes.
* Ideas are easy. Implementation is hard. – Guy Kawasaki
* The only thing worst than starting something and failing; is not starting something. – Seth Godin
* Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. – Steve Jobs
* Solve a real problem and the world is yours. – Aaron Patzer
* Marry the problem, not the solution. – Dan Greenberg
* Experience is great but never let it stand in the way of progress. – Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten
* Think of it as you want it, not as it is! – Larry Ellision
* Remember: It’s not innovation until it gets built. – Garry Tan
* Stop Sketching and start building. -Dennis Crowley
* Make sure the thing you are working on is something you love. – Bred Feld
* Nobody accomplishes success by themselves. – Malcolm Gladwell.
Cheers and be Remarkable!
Akpomedaye Oghenetega(‘the young Information Marketing Expert')
UP SMS 247 Team
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