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Sexual satisfaction in relationship


People pretends a lot that sex is not that important in relationship but i will like us to know that sex and security is the back bone of relationship. No matter how you describe security in your relationship, maybe financial, care, intimacy e.t.c., non of this is suppose to be left behind in a lasting relationship.
Sex stands alone, either satisfactory or otherwise, sex is important. On a safer side, you have to consider the feelings of your partner in the process of making love. Do you care if he or she enjoy or satisfy what you are giving? do you have a good communication?
A lady spoke to me and said; sex is not all about penetration Fore-play, romance, G spot automation is very important in making love with your partner, he or she will want to experience the same thing the next time.
She said something that i will never forget; she said i can only accept penetration just to experience the feeling of it or child bearing but i have never and dont thing i can ever have orgasm through penetration! Well, i believe her, there are some ladies that are frigid or close to, due to the deep cut during circumcision, this can happen to them.
what are our take on this? Ladies, do you think this my female friend is lying or what are tips to take note in sex making with our partner? there are tips i will still give but i want to throw this to the public first.
Are you a strict person?
Are you too shy to express your feelings while you die in silence?
Did your partner lacks good communication? e.t.c.
There is always an answer to every questions, this can also be an eye opener to partners that always think about themselves in sex making. This kind of people can as well have the idea of what their partner maybe thinking if their communication is poor and make correction in this topic.

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  • LadynetyLadynety Posts: 3
    Sexual satisfaction is indeed a crucial aspect of any relationship, and it's great that you're opening up this discussion.
  • AlinaYoungAlinaYoung Posts: 1
    edited April 2024
    Absolutely, sex and security are crucial aspects of a lasting relationship. It's important to prioritize both physical and emotional intimacy with your partner. Communication plays a key role in ensuring that both partners are satisfied and enjoying the experience.
    Exploring different ways to enhance intimacy, such as foreplay, romance, and focusing on the G-spot, can lead to a more fulfilling sexual connection.

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